Someone who can help you is just a few clicks away

Find an expert ready to answer any question you have. Get personalized consultations 24/7.
Electronics Experts
Car Mechanics

How it works?

1. Ask your question

Open chat and describe what is bothering you. We are available 24/7.

2. Let us find an expert

Wait just a couple of minutes until we connect you to an expert competent enough to solve your problem quickly and effectively.

3. Talk to an expert directly

Chat with an expert until you get the answer you need. We have an extensive database of qualified professionals. So here you can find a person ready to help you at any time of the day and night.

Who are our experts

our expertsour expertsour expertsour expertsour experts
Our experts are people with the required education, expertise, and background to advise in their professional field. All of them have successfully passed our verification checks and proven their competence. But more importantly, they really like to help others.

What can our experts do?

Anything that is not illegal and does not require superpowers - from fixing your electrical problems to providing advice on legal issues.
Phone with chat example

Why us?

Gain access to high-qualified experts

Every expert who joins our platform passes a 3-step verification process, including license check, skill test, and interview.

Enjoy a personal approach

Our experts carefully study the individual situation of each client. So here you can always count on personal touch.

Save your money

Forget about overpaying for in-person appointments. Get the necessary help at a reasonable price.

Get help wherever you are

No need to go to the other end of town during working hours. Connect from any device and receive advice online.

What our members say

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zendesk partner

Get an answer to your question

Our experts are ready to consult you 24/7. Ask them anything.
My smartphone is overheating. How can I fix it?
I want to start a business. Which documents do I need?
My PC can’t find a printer. Can you help me?
I inherited a home. What should I do?
How can I connect my laptop to my TV?
At what price can I sell my used car?

Still not sure if you are ready to use AskCrew?

Message us to find out what our experts can do for you!


What can I ask your experts to do for me?
Anything that is legal, possible, and covered by their expertise.
How does it work?
You describe your issue, and we match you with an expert who has the required knowledge and expertise to help you. Then you chat until your problem is solved.
How can I pay for the subscription? Is it secure to make payments on your site?
You can pay for the subscription with any credit or debit card. Our payment page is protected by secure HTTPS protocol and reliable 128-bit encryption technology. AskCrew doesn't have access to your personal information, as well as to your CC data.